
Pets :: Is your dog "hypoallergenic"? NO IT FUCKING ISN'T!

I suffer from pet allergies, as well as a host of others, and let me tell you it really isn't fun. Sneezing all the time and in severe reactions having a hard time to breath and breaking out in hives. Just not what I would call "a good time". But when I go to peoples houses and they own a so called "hypoallergenic dog" yet I still keep sneezing and having a hard time to breath, they keep telling me that it's not their dog. I've said it for years and now I have proof that "Hypoallergenic Dogs" DO NOT FUCKING EXIST.

Proof: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3680143/

That is all. Thank you. Have a nice day.


Tablet Thoughts :: Nvidia Shield - Do we have a winner?

So the next generation "Tegra Note" has hit the shelves in the form of an Nvidia branded Shield Tablet (See my thoughts on the Tegra Note). With this iteration Nvidia is holding all the cards and not partnering with vendors to produce units, but rather producing them themselves. Personally I think that's a smart move on their part as this allows them to control their take on the Android OS (Whatever tweaks they make) and also the Hardware.

Processor NVIDIA® Tegra® K1 192 core Kepler GPU,
2.2 GHz ARM Cortex A15 CPU with 2GB RAM
Display 8-inch 1920x1200 multi-touch Full HD display
Audio Front facing stereo speakers, dual bass reflex port with built-in microphone
Storage 32 GB (WiFi+4G LTE) / 16 GB (WiFi-only) w/ MicroSD slot

Cover (Magnetic)

Biggest plus on this thing are the CPU and front facing speakers. The speakers even add base reflex system. Lets just say that I can't wait till the local shops have some stock cause upgrading to this from my original Galaxy Tab 10.1 is gonna be a blast. Couple this tablet with the GTX 980 which should be released soon (hopefully sooner than later cause my GTX 580 is getting tired) and you've got more gaming then you can shake a console at.

Looking forward to playing with this and if I'm not too busy having fun I may stop back in here and provide an update. ;o)


Quick Tip :: Powershell and CMD one liners

List the all processes by Memory use

Windows command line (cmd.exe)
C:\> tasklist /NH | sort /+65 /R

Powershell (Start>Run type powershell and hit OK)

Get-Process | sort ws -Descending

Top 10 only
Get-Process | sort ws -Descending | select -First 10

Alternative with full *.exe name and memory use only (in Megabytes)
Get-WmiObject win32_process | sort WorkingSetSize -Descending | Select-Object -Property ProcessName,WorkingSetSize | Format-Table ProcessName,@{label="WS(MB)";Expr={[math]::truncate($_.WorkingSetSize / 1MB)}} -autosize

Alternative again, but only returning the Top 20
Get-WmiObject win32_process | sort WorkingSetSize -Descending | select -First 20 | Select-Object -Property ProcessName,WorkingSetSize | Format-Table ProcessName,@{label="WS(MB)";Expr={[math]::truncate($_.WorkingSetSize / 1MB)}} -autosize 

List hard drive info (Exclude Removable and CD/DVD/Blu-Ray Drives)
Powershell (Start>Run type powershell and hit OK)

Get-WmiObject -class win32_logicaldisk -Filter "DriveType != '2' AND DriveType != '5'" | Format-Table

Same thing but of a remote computer

Get-WmiObject -class win32_logicaldisk -Filter "DriveType != '2' AND DriveType != '5'" -ComputerName server.domain.net -credential domain\userid | Format-Table

Get Windows Service(s) information
PowerShell - Get status of a specific Service
(Get-Service -DisplayName 'Spoo*').status

Get status of a specific Service on a remote machine
(Get-Service -ComputerName server.domain.net -DisplayName 'IBM Cog*').status

Side note for the above 2 examples: As there is a wildcard ('*') in the name these commands may return more than one if the wildcard matches anything. I'm just lazy and don't like typing. :P

Display all services and then sort by status then name
Get-Service | Sort-Object -property `@{Expression="Status";Descending=$true}, `@{Expression="DisplayName";Descending=$false}

That's it for now. As I come across/use more I'll post them here.


WTF? :: Ferrari sends Deadmau5 a Cease & Desist for customizing his car

One for the WTF? file. Apparently Ferrari sent Deadmau5 a C&D order after he customized his car. Full story on Jalopnik

I'm sorry but this is just plain stupid. Makes me want to never ever buy a Ferrari (Not that I could ever afford one). It's his car, he bought, he should be able to do whatever he wants with it. Including custom badges, floor mats, and vinyl wrapping the car.

Speaking of custom badges, if you are looking for some check out this site.

